Great pictures of the new rooms in the Kurszentrum

For many Lux connoisseurs, the Kurszentrum is a well-kept secret, and now it’s time to introduce 5 new rooms.

The mills of the Berlin administration grind slowly, but steadily, and now the time has come to introduce you all to the beautiful, lovingly and practically furnished rooms.

The Wood Room, the Steel Room and the Red Salon have been known and loved for a long time, but they are also happy about new photos.

There are also exciting things to see in the course centre:

The clinic is comfortably equipped for authentic games, with a gynaecological chair, hospital bed and all the usual instruments, our clinicians will take care of you.

In the study room (affectionately called “Studi”) you will find the original school blackboard and dignified, elegant furnishings that will inspire role-players.

The spacious course room is not only known from our various workshops, but also shines as a versatile session room. Shibari, wrestling, ponyplay, lustful play, that and more is possible.

In the latex room there is, of course, the Boomer from Style Fetish. But the double-hanging tethered bondage bench also cuts a fine figure. In the mirrored wall you can see the reflection of our latex equipment.

The Bordo Room (our abbreviation for “bordeaux”) is the further development of the Red Salon: The bondage bed and the St. Andrew’s cage will certainly look familiar to some of you, plus: space, and the wonderful slave chair from Evil Toys.

Photographs with an eye for detail – Interview with Lucien Lafayette

Lux: Thank you for the great pictures you took for us. You not only photographed the new rooms in the Lux Kurszentrum, but also all the rooms in Ringbahnstraße. What was particularly important to you for this assignment?

Lucien: Yes, it was a very nice task to photograph exactly the rooms where I usually have my sessions. During the lockdown, it was the only chance for me to see my beloved Lux again and also a way for me to earn some extra money as a photographer during our professional ban. It was especially important to me to transport what we offer here. The space to safely and happily enjoy what we enjoy. I was also very pleased to be able to work with long exposures once again. The wood room, for example, is lit almost exclusively by candlelight.

Lux: We particularly like the atmospheric snapshots and details. Tell us a bit about your inspiration?

Lucien: Hehe, yes. My inspiration is ourselves. So you, me and all the others who play in Lux. And all the beautiful and bad deeds we do in the space. The pictures tell stories that really happen. Everything you see on them or think about them, we deliver, even if you come to visit us. So for each room I thought not only about what I would do in it, but also what you would do in it. That was an interesting experience. Designing arrangements that communicate what you can experience with me in the spaces is relatively easy, but I also thought hard and asked myself “What would Velvet Steele do in here and how do I communicate that?” I hope to have found a mix in which everyone from the team can find themselves somewhere and the viewer gets a good preview of our possibilities.

Lux: When you’re not photographing LUX spaces, what else do you have in front of your lens?

Lucien: My colleagues. I used to do more wedding and portrait photography after my studies. Then at some point I became a sex worker. Today I only take pictures of my colleagues here and there. And that’s really fun. Dominas are really good models. Actually, as a photographer you have to be able to motivate every camera-shy or insecure person to the required form, but with us it’s not necessary at all. You just say “Pose, please!” and the pose comes and fits perfectly. Sometimes I have to slow things down a bit and remind people about youth protection, but otherwise it’s really a lot of fun with you guys. And the results speak for themselves.

Lux: Is there a project that you would particularly like to realise?

Lucien: Oh, there are many. But especially in our context, I would like to take a photographic look behind the scenes of our guild to show our culture in all its peculiarities and details. Specifically, I would like to see pictures such as Miss Flora and Lady Johanna on a smoke break, Ron Hades boiling ropes, Johanna Weber servicing the fuck machine, our lively team evenings, doing make-up before the session and cleaning up after the session. This may all be less sensational than what you usually see of us, but it shows who we are on a day-to-day basis and what our job looks like too.
Our profession is unfortunately always in danger of being banned or portrayed in the wrong light. That’s why I think it’s important to capture our culture. So that not only terabytes of glossy pornography remain of us, but also a testimony of what sex work really was in the 2020s.

Lux: How can people book you for assignments and what do you offer photographically?

Lucien: Oh, difficult question. I’m a full-time sex worker and only do photography as a sideline, so officially I don’t offer anything, but I’m a trained photographer with technique, experience and passion. In the past I was always strong in object photography. Today I’m more of a specialist for all forms of eroticism and pornography. So whoever has an interesting project or would like to book my services behind the camera can simply write to me at