A queer campaign de LUX
There are few queer, kinky and inclusive spaces in Berlin – especially since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. This is about to change: BDSM Studio Lux invites all queers who want to learn (new) skills, exchange ideas and broaden their own perspectives. To this end, queer, kinky and sex-positive collectives and individuals have been invited to share their expertise exclusively in the studio space.
Monthly changing formats and a variety of BDSM expertise, captivating performances, sexy poetry, erotic art, lustful dance, sensual play and pleasurable bodywork await you!
Who can participate?
All events are by and for queers, trans*, genderfluids, genderqueers, non-binaries of all kinds. Self-definition applies. If you are unsure whether you are meant, please let us know.
When & where?
The event series takes place once a month in our specially equipped BDSM studio. The exact dates will be announced in time.
Please register in advance to secure your place. A solidarity pricing system applies to all events. Three price categories have been created by the respective workshop organizers. If you are still unable to pay the minimum price, please contact Darius Rex at queer@bdsm-studio-lux.de.
People have different needs and wishes for events and rooms. Please let us know at queer@bdsm-studio-lux.de what you need to participate in an event.
In the BDSM Studio Lux course center there is an elevator accessible by 4 steps on the first floor and on the 3rd floor. There is no ramp.
Assistance persons pay nothing, please let us know if you are bringing an assistant.
Masks are compulsory at BDSM Studio Lux. Please come to the studio 15 minutes before the start of each event. Corona tests will be ready. Masks will only be removed once all participants have consensually and actively agreed. Masks must be worn in the corridors at all times.
Throughout the queer event series, the focus is on a policy of accessibility, transparency and redistribution.
The prices are calculated by the respective collectives and individuals and 90% of them go towards their work. A further 10% is used for advertising in magazines, social media and print media.
Studio LUX provides room and infrastructure for free.
I am transmasc, Dominatrix at BDSM Studio Lux, in sexological bodywork training and activist* at trans*sexworks.
As a dominatrix and bodyworker, my work consists of exploring and understanding human bodies from a political and embodied perspective. In my work, I constantly challenge established norms around identity, gender, sexuality and social taboos. I see vulnerability and uncertainty in play as a resource. Both are powerful assets that contribute to personal, sensual and pleasurable growth.
As an activist*, community-based work, solidarity politics and networking are at the heart of my political work. My goal is to open up and create more spaces for queer, kinky and sex-positive people. Especially with the rise of right-wing forces in Germany and Europe, we need safer spaces for our right to self-determination, to live out our sexuality(ies) and to develop our identity(ies). BDSM Studio Lux stands for precisely these three pillars.