Fancy Furniture

Ein Event von Saga Moros und Lasciva Lust

In a private and exclusive establishment, a dimly lit dungeon played host to a unique gathering. Dominatrixes from far and wide convened for an evening of indulgence, Power play, and refined pleasures.

The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the attendees prepared for an extraordinary night. The event boasted an intriguing twist: the Dommes had selected a group of eager volunteers to serve as human furniture for the evening. These submissive people had willingly submitted themselves to the immersive experience, ready to fulfil the desires of the Powerful Women.

The dungeon was adorned with luxurious furnishings and tempting decorations, symbolizing the inherent Power dynamic between the Dominatrixes and their submissive furniture. Music played in the background, heightening the sensual ambiance and setting the stage for a truly memorable night.
As the evening commenced, the Dommes took their seats on the living, breathing chairs and tables, commanding the attention of the room. The volunteers, dressed in tasteful attire befitting their roles, transformed into silent fixtures, their bodies supporting the weight of the Dommes, their purpose to provide comfort and utility. The Dominatrixes relished their elevated positions, sipping on elegant, handcrafted cocktails that were expertly mixed and presented by attentive wait staff.
Conversations flowed freely as the Dommes revelled in their Power, mingling with the clinking of glasses and the occasional playful swat of a riding crop. Time seemed to slip away as the evening unfolded, with each Dominatrix exploring the boundaries of control and submission, pushing the limits of pleasure and pain. The volunteers, ever devoted to their assigned tasks, found solace in their roles, embracing the surrender and dedication required to create a truly memorable experience.

For the chosen subs who put effort into learning and studying the developing of the positions commended by the Dommes and applied time and devotion into training, have now the chance to show themselves worthy of display and to be used by the Dominas in this very intimate evening. The quality of service will be put into proof and the service needs to be flawless. As the final hours approached, the atmosphere grew even more electric, fuelled by the intensity of the encounters and the satisfaction derived from pushing boundaries.

The evening reached its climax, leaving a lasting imprint on the minds and bodies of all involved. All the overflowing lust, the pure pleasure palpable in the intoxicating atmosphere as the Dommes enjoy themselves in their private rendezvous using the mere pieces of furniture and decorations, comfortably. A vision of heaven and the seven hells altogether make this night taste and feel like a wild dream of lust.
A secret Portal to a universe of erotic glamour and bonanza. At this point of the night, the subjects, deprived from their human senses, are living the very fantasy and the experience of their lives, one they can only possibly imagine in their wildest crazy dreams. With the night drawing to a close, the Dommes gracefully bid their human furniture farewell, acknowledging their contributions to the unforgettable experience. The volunteers, no longer mere objects but individuals transformed through their service, departed with a newfound understanding of their desires and an appreciation for the world of kink.

This special event curated by Saga Moros & Lasciva Lust can be found here:

Fancy Furniture

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