Renovation work in the toilet

The new toilet special

Every few years you should renovate your bathroom. And since only the best is just good enough for us at Studio LUX, we have given the toilet special a general overhaul.

Lovers of sweet use as a porcelain throne get their money’s worth. We focus on the essentials: being ready and opening your mouth nice and thirsty.

You have the choice when you want to prove your swallowing pleasure and what features your skills bring – whether as a ladies toilet, men’s pissing channel or modern as a unisexthrone – there is enough to do.

Like any real toilet, you can only limit who will use you and when. You will be at our disposal for at least 4 hours and lie passively ready. Your head will virtually melt into the toilet bowl and you can completely surrender to this metamorphosis.

You listen to the clattering of doors, the passing footsteps, voices, laughter and stare promisingly at the toilet lid – from below. You are freshly cleaned and long to perform your services fully and excellently. Eventually you hear the door open and after some rustling (and possibly some words of encouragement) the lid lifts.

You catch a glimpse of a lady, but your perspective is unique – above all, you feast your eyes on her beautiful bottom. This then also consistently fills your field of vision, your eyes focus on the cheeks, and of course the sweet cleft, which will refreshingly open up in a few seconds…

After the first use, your transformation is complete. You eagerly lick up every little drop – or bathe in the warm, fragrant puddle. There wasn’t enough water in your installation, so the rinsing takes place orally, so to speak. To what extent cleaning the fountains is one of your tasks is decided by the users alone.

The lid closes and you meditate on your task, on your being as a receiving basin and become fully absorbed in your task – you become one with the bowl. Sweet golden drops float in front of your mind’s eye, and you catch them all with the tip of your tongue.

Your self-image as serviceable swallow furniture goes beyond the normal standard existence. You have chosen the LUXURY variant. Your toilet service is so good that the users can not let go of you and use your luxury features with pleasure. Of course, the toilet visits are naturally protracted.

Your swallowing skills are fully exploited, every corner explored and exhausted. Of course, between uses you continue to wait like a piece of porcelain furniture – enjoying and rejoicing. Already the door opens the next time. You wonder if this time your massage function will be asked, your thorough cleaning module, maybe you discover together completely new facets of you?

Golden Shower was yesterday – today it’s Golden Bath.

Light as air and discreetly squeaky, you lie ready in the plastic blue bathtub. It’s very comfortable how you can chill into it. As soon as you get in, you’ll notice the special feature – the zipper cover that lets you completely enclose yourself in your blue pee paradise for once.

Already after the second use you feel the pleasant marinade function – you virtually melt into the surrounding golden liquid, breathe in the intense scents and wait for the moment of spilling over…

Piss gutter is all well and good – but you want more. You dream of eagerly opening your mouth and soothingly receiving the brown delicacy. Chewing, sucking, swallowing – enjoying the warmth and exquisite taste as the portion travels down your gullet.

To serve as a full toilet, make your request directly to the KV dispenser of your choice – after all, it sometimes takes meticulous preparation to achieve taste and consistency.

Have you now got a great desire to embark on this wonderful, albeit special, journey too? That’s it! This way to our long term toilet special:

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